
The Preserving National Culture and Heritage Speech

Good morning everybody. How are you today? I hope you all in a good condition. The honorable the juries of ... , my dearest friends, and the audience. First of all, lets thanks to God the Almighty, for his blessing and mercy, so in this beautiful morning we can gather in this room in a good condition. Secondly, in this beautiful morning, allow me to introduce my self. My name is ..., from ... class of ...

Ladies and Gentlemen, in this good opportunity, I will tell you about preserve national culture and heritage. We all know, our country has so many cultures and heritages. Almost every regions in Indonesia have diverse cultures. Such as in Central Java. We have gamelan, batik, wayang kulit, gambyong dance, Golek dance, Gathotkaca dance. Another that we have some building too. Such as, keraton in Yogya and Keraton in Solo, Borobudur temple, Prambanan temple, and many more.  It just cultures and heritages in Central Java, how about in other region? I can’t count how many cultures in Indonesia. We should proud to Indonesia. Indonesia is a rich country.

Ladies, and gentlemen, with the progress era, Indonesian cultures are getting lost. Now, the children are prefer to eat fast food, western food than Indonesian food. The children are prefer to learn about modern dance than traditional dance. Even, gotong royong, our specific culture are getting lost too. Whereas, the tourists from other country are prefer for visiting us, and learn about our cultures. If we all can’t preserve our culture, our culture will really lost. Besides that, other country can claim our culture is theirs, because no one of us that still learn about our culture. So, it’s would be our duty to preserve our culture. This is not time, that we only closed our eyes, without take care by around us! We can start by doing a little bit to preserve our culture. Such as, usually speak in traditional language, teach the students to learn about our culture, by extracurricular program in the school, repair our heritage buildings that broken down, bring our culture, not only in National level, but also in International level, so other country in the world know that culture is ours. And many more.

Ladies and Gentlemen that’s all can I tell you about preserve our nation culture. I hope, preserve our nation cultures will be our attention as the new generation, and our cultures never be lost, and be our pride as the new generation. Don’t wait the time, let’s start to preserve our cultures and heritages right now. If you all have an opinion, or good idea to preserve our culture, don’t be afraid to show it and practice it in around us. Thank you for your attention, have a nice day everyone and good morning.

Thank you.. :)
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Well, now i will give you an article as a famous story in english. I hope it, will help you! Let check it up!

                                                                 Little Red Riding Hood

Long time ago in the forest there was a small cottage, the home of little girl known as Little Red Riding Hood. One day, her mother called her
“Little Red Riding Hood…….”
“Yes, Mummy, what’s going on?” Answer the Little Red
“Grandma is ill, so, bring these cakes to grandma’s house but very be careful. Keep to the way and don’t stop, because you will safe until grandma’s house.” Said her Mummy.
“Yeah, Mummy, don’t worry! I will be carefull” Little Red Riding Hood kissed her mother and go through to the forest.

Then, she she saw so many beautiful and sweet flowers, in the street.
“Oh, how sweet!” then she took it for Grandma. But unfortunately there was strange sound said.
“Where are you going little girl alone in the woods? “ Said wolf.
“I bring some cakes for Grandma because Grandma is ill. She lives at the end of this way” answer little red.
 “Does Grandma live alone?”
“Yeah and never open the door to the strange people”
“Goodbye, see you again” said the wolf.
The wolf thinking and make a plan,
“I’ll gobble grandma first then her grandchild, hehhhe”. After that, the wolf arrived in Grandma’s house and knock the door.

“Who’s there?” said grandma.
“It’s me Little Red Riding Hood. I’ve bought some cakes for you because you’re ill.” Said wolf. Because grandma is ill, she couldn’t see very well. It means she couldn’t make a different between wolf and Little Red Riding Hood.
After that the wolf closed to grandma, closer and ate grandma with a horrible way. Then he took grandma’s clothes and pretend to be her. It wasn’t long after that, the real Little Red Riding Hood arrived.
“Grandma, can I come in?”
“Yes, my dear “said the wolf.
”What a deep voice you have” said little girl.
”The better to greet you with “ Said the wolf
“Oh my god, what big eyes you have”
“The better to see you with”
“What big hands you have “
“The better to hug you with”
“And what a big mouth you have”
“The better to eat you with”
After that, the wolf jumped from the bed and ate the Little Red Riding Hood. Because of full the wolf suddenly over sleep.

Next, after several minutes, there was a hunter, stop by in Grandma’s house. He wanted ask for a drink, he tired because he had look a large wolf that have already been target from a long time. And finally, the hunter heard the snore of the wolf from Grandma’s bed. He found it! “The wolf! He won’t get away from this time!”
Without making a sound, suddenly he shot the wolf’s head and dead. After that he cut and open the wolf’s stomach. Suddenly, Little Red Riding Hood and Grandma come out from his stomach.
Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood thanking to the hunter and the Hunter went back to his city while bring the wolf’s body.

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